How it Works

The work I do with my clients is not therapy. If you have a feeling of dissatisfaction in one or more aspects of your life, or a knowing that there can be something new or better or different, and you yearn to experience it, there is nothing wrong with you! The work I do with my clients is a process that allows them to quit putting their life on hold and telling themselves "someday". They finally get to move in a direction that feels better, more alive, more like freedom. My passion is guiding men and women through a process that helps them determine what it is they want and how to get there. So they can really live their lives. Sooner than later. Although each client is unique and might jump into this process at any point, our work together looks something like this:


A life-changing event is initiated by you, someone else, a diagnosis, or an act of God that sets the change process in motion. This event may be sudden or may be something that has looming for a very long time.

Whether the relationship has ended, the new job has been accepted, the diagnosis has been made, the retirement date has been set or the financial limitations have been established, or some other catalytic event has happened, change is coming. As humans, we struggle with change. By experiencing and understanding my process for change, you will not only make the most of each stage along the way, but you will find yourself ultimately where you really want to be, as opposed to wherever you end up. That is why it is important that I work with men and women who are motivated to take action in the direction of what they want for themselves.  "Someday" will come.  But when it gets left to chance, the likelihood of living what you hope gets left to chance as well.

1.let go: 

We look at the "why's" and "what ifs" that have been keeping your life on hold. We clear them up so that you can start really living. Sooner versus later.

If you are feeling stuck, there is a good chance it is because of the perpetual "what ifs" that show up and send you ping-ponging from one decision back to the last.  We will do a majority of our work together here as we explore new perspectives that feel more uniquely like you than the age old beliefs that have been handed down to you by others.

2.redefine possibilities:

We dabble in the world of limitless options and strategies to discover the ones that feel genuinely compelling for YOU.

Once you let go of the way things used to be, you give yourself the opportunity to realize that you don't HAVE TO do anything. You GET TO do everything. Because every single thing you do is a choice. You begin to see limitless possibilities. And then with your blinders off, you will eventually discover the choices that draw you closer. You will experience an overwhelming urge to move your life in a new direction. the work:

       We create plans for action that keep you moving closer to what it is you truly desire.

This is where the Hero's Journey begins. There will be challenges. Things will be harder than you could have imagined. But because this new direction is so uniquely you, there will be no stopping you.  You will become wiser, stronger, more polished.  You will be amazed at who you become. 

I work with you to discover action steps that will move you in the direction of the life you imagine and provide strategies to sustain the feelings you want to experience.. 


       We work together to identify aspects of your life that are yearning for change.

Whether the changes you are looking for seem huge and overwhelming or minor but persistent, we will get clear on what they are, why the outcomes are so compelling and the variety of ways that will allow you to get exactly where you want to be.